Looking for help with a question, a way to get involved, or a source of support? Start with the links listed here.
University Resources
- Benefits: Division of University Human Resources responsible for insurance, retirement, and other benefits programs. See also benefits info for retirees.
- Emeritus Faculty Council: Organization representing emeritus faculty members.
- Faculty Senate: Organization representing UI faculty members.
- Funded Retirement and Insurance Charter Committee (FRIC): Charter committee providing input on employee benefits programs.
- Staff Council: Organization representing UI Professional and Scientific, Merit, and other staff members.
- UI Center for Advancement: Online hub for UI alumni and friends. Start here to make a gift, stay in touch, or connect with alumni.
- UI home page: Main page for the university and a good starting point for anything UI-related.
Higher Education Retirement Resources
- Association of Retirement Organizations in Higher Education: National organization focused on college/university retirement organizations.
Community Resources
- CommUnity: Offering crisis services and a food bank, as well as a directory of other resources.
- Heritage Area Agency on Aging: An organization providing innovative services and access to local resources that improve the quality of life for older adults.
- Iowa City Senior Center: Volunteer opportunities, events, and more.
- Johnson County Aging Services: Options and resources for older adults in the community.
- Johnson County Resource Directory (pdf): Agency and provider contacts to meet social service needs.
- TRAIL of Johnson County: Tools and resources for active, independent living.