Your UIRA sponsors Special Interest Groups that meet periodically to further shared interests. If you would like to join an active group or have an idea for a new group, contact us at

Gray Hawk Writers

Gray Hawk Writers have been meeting fortnightly since April 1999. Members read aloud what they have written, encourage one another, and offer friendly critiques. The Gray Hawk newsletter regularly features writings by group members.

The storytelling and writing styles are quite diverse—there are many pathways that can be followed when writing. 

Feel free to visit as a guest. You may decide you would like to join the group. Everyone has a story to tell. 

For information about joining the group, contact Jessica Wohn.


Created in fall 2023, Explorers is a group of UIRA members interested in walking and hiking. Walks are held at various locations in the area, including at parks and trails managed by Johnson County Conservation and Bur Oak Land Trust. Upcoming outings, open to all UIRA members, will be published in The Gray Hawk newsletter.

To join the group, email Alice Atkinson or Lesanne Fliehler.