The UIRA Board of Directors recently approved a small increase in dues from $10 to $12 a year (or a discounted rate of $30 for three years). The membership year runs from September 1 to August 31. All members will receive a renewal reminder email in August.
A few additional changes were approved regarding UIRA membership:
- UIRA membership is open to staff and faculty who are at least 55 years old, have retired from the UI, or have had significant employment-related ties to the university.
- Spouses or partners of UIRA members are also eligible to be members of UIRA.
- All University of Iowa retirees shall receive an introductory membership upon retirement, provided at no cost. After the introductory membership period expires, the retiree may elect to continue membership by paying dues.
- All members of UIRA, dues-paying and introductory, shall be eligible to vote on all matters presented to the membership for a vote.