Monday, May 27, 2024

The UIRA receives annual nominations for two awards: the Community Service Award and the University of Iowa Service Award. To be eligible, the nominee must be a member of the UIRA, retired for at least two years, have outstanding service carried out since retirement (activities prior to retirement do not count), and may include a wide range of activities that make a positive impact. The two recipients of the 2024 awards not only meet but exceed these requirements. The University of Iowa Service Award goes to Lesanne Fliehler and the UIRA Community Service Award to Billie Townsend. We think you will agree that the selections for the two UIRA Service Awards have been active in retirement and are very deserving of these awards.

Lesanne Fliehler, University of Iowa Service Award Recipient

Lesanne Fliehler grew up in Des Moines, wanting to follow in her Gramma Brenneman’s footsteps as a teacher. After graduation from the University of Northern Iowa with a B.A. degree (English major and Spanish minor), she did just that, taking a position as a language arts teacher at Iowa City’s South East Junior High School in 1977.

Although that only lasted 3 1⁄2 years, she continued to teach undergraduates at the University of Iowa while pursuing an M.A. in journalism and mass communication.

After graduation in 1983, she started a long career in communications roles at the University of Iowa, first at the UI Printing Department, then the Office of Public Information/University Relations, and finally at the Tippie College of Business. During her career, she received awards for writing, editing, design, and production of alumni, recruitment, and special-interest publications and websites. She also received the first UI Wellness Ambassador award. She retired in June 2019 after a 36-year career at the UI.

Prior to retirement, she began volunteering with TRAIL of Johnson County, a volunteer-driven nonprofit organization that helps seniors age in the places they call home. Joining the Marketing & Communications Committee, she began writing for the organization’s newsletter. She currently chairs the MarComm Committee, is a member of TRAIL’s Board of Directors, and volunteers, driving members to appointments.

She served on the Board of Directors of Riverside Theatre (2016-2019) during the period when Adam Knight was hired as director and when the theater was looking to expand to a new location, eventually finding a prime location in downtown Iowa City.

She joined the UI Senior College Committee in June 2020. The group provides high- quality educational opportunities for seniors in Iowa and beyond. She has coordinated many courses, which covered topics such as Shakespeare, humor, and Russian novels.

As a member of the UIRA Board of Directors, she serves as editor of The Gray Hawk, co-coordinator of the Explorers walking group, member of the Membership Committee, and member of the UIRA Photo Contest Committee.

Lesanne lives in North Liberty with her husband, Jack. Their daughter, Katie, is a nurse at Mercy Medical Center in Cedar Rapids.

Billie Townsend, Community Service Award Recipient

Billie Townsend retired from the University of Iowa in 2017 where she worked for over 25 years in various departments: Affirmative Action, the College of Dentistry, the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, and the College of Public Health for the National Alliance for Doctoral Studies in the Math Sciences. She served on several committees during her career, including the Staff Diversity Committee, Staff Council, African American Council, Recruitment Ambassadors, Advisory Board for Women in Science and Engineering, Diversity Dialogue Group, and Associated University Women. Billie also was advisor to several student groups including Voices of Soul and Black Student Union. For many years, she chaired the University January Convocation program celebrating the life of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

While working, Billie was active in community groups. She served on the Iowa City Human Rights Commission. Her work involved planning programs and activities designed to eliminate racial, religious, cultural, and other intergroup tensions. She served on other groups as well and currently serves numerous community groups. Billie is a member of the Black Voices Project and the Iowa City Planning and Zoning Commission. She is current member and past chair of the Board of Directors for the Iowa Black Alumni Association (IBAA). She also chairs the IBAA Scholarship Committee. Billie participates in the University of Iowa Athletic Mentoring Group.

Billie contributes her leadership talents to her church. She chairs the Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration at Bethel AME Church in collaboration with the East Union Mennonite Church in Kalona. She chairs the Bethel AME “slightly used” Christmas Decoration Sale.

Billie has generously volunteered her time to UIRA. In 2023, she completed two terms on the Board of Directors. She was a member of the Program Committee for five years, arranging speakers such as the Iowa City mayor and leading UIHC epidemiologist at the height of the Covid pandemic. She helped with whatever needed to be done for programs and asked questions posted in the chat in a way that made each question sound important and valued.

This spring Billie was named the 2024 Iowa Valley Habitat for Humanity Women Build honoree, a role that epitomizes Billie’s philosophy of service.

Billie Townsend has unselfishly given of herself to this extensive list of community groups that include university, student, Iowa City, church, and UIRA. Her list of service activities would be incomplete without mentioning her devotion to her family. She enjoys spending time with her retired husband, seven grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren. She also has cared for her 101-year-old mother-in-law in her home for years. Billie’s philosophy of service is broadly conceived.