Join the UI Retiree Association or renew your membership—dues are just $12 per person per year.
Dues and Renewals
UIRA membership dues are $12 per person per year (or a discounted rate of $30 for three years). Dues cover The Gray Hawk newsletter, mailings, printing, and other expenses.
The UIRA membership year runs September 1 to August 31. All members will receive a renewal reminder email in August.
UIRA membership is open to staff and faculty who are at least 55 years old, have retired from the University of Iowa, or have had significant employment-related ties to the university. Spouses or partners of UIRA members are also eligible to be members of UIRA.
All University of Iowa retirees shall receive an introductory membership upon retirement, provided at no cost. After the introductory membership period expires, the retiree may elect to continue membership by paying dues.
All members of UIRA, dues-paying and introductory, shall be eligible to vote on all matters presented to the membership for a vote.
Membership is terminated after non-payment of dues.
How to Join or Renew
You can use our online form and credit-card payment system to join the UIRA or renew.
Click the gold button below to join or renew in our online store. Once at the store, choose the membership option you prefer—you can pay dues for an individual or for a couple.
By Mail
If you prefer, you can print, complete, and mail a membership form with a check to cover dues. Payment must be received by September 30 to continue membership.
Mail your completed form and check to:
University of Iowa Retirees Association
University Services Building
1 West Prentiss Street
Iowa City, IA 52240